Susan Handy
Handy, Rodier. “Investigation of the Abilities and Limitations of Travel Demand Modeling in Informing Decision-Making,” California Department of Transportation, 2023-2024.
Handy, Volker, Hosseinzade. “Methods for Assessing the Effectiveness of Potential Vehicle-Miles-Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Measures,” California Department of Transportation, 2022-2024.
Handy, Lee. “Measuring, Analyzing and Identifying Small-Area VMT Reduction,” California Air Resources Board, 2021-2023.
Handy, Barajas, Jain. “The Implications of Freeway Siting in California: An Equity, Geospatial, and Case Study Approach,” California Department of Transportation through the Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center, 2021-2022. Project report. Project brief.
UC Davis Campus Travel Survey. Project Website
Jamey Volker
Volker, Barajas, Handy. “Exploring the Integration of Induced Travel into Analyses of Costs, Benefits, and Air Pollutant Emissions,” California Department of Transportation, 2024.
Volker, Handy. “Induced Travel Effects from Other Projects,” California Department of Transportation, 2023-2024.
Barbour, Volker. “The Role of Level of Service in Post-SB 743 California,” California Department of Transportation through the National Center for Sustainable Transportation, 2023-2024.
Millard-Ball, Volker, Barbour, Handy. “Re-allocating Space to Support Multimodal Transportation,” California Resilient and Innovative Mobility Initiative, 2022–2024.
Volker, Pike, Marantz. “CEQA Streamlining in Transit-rich Areas,” California Resilient and Innovative Mobility Initiative,” 2022-2023.
Volker, Handy. “Induced Travel Calculator Improvements,” California Department of Transportation through the National Center for Sustainable Transportation, 2021-2022. Project report. Project brief #1. Project brief #2.
Volker, Handy. “Monitoring VMT Reduction Claims in Local Development Review,” California Department of Transportation through the National Center for Sustainable Transportation, 2020-2022. Project report.
Jesus Barajas
Equity analysis of VMT mitigation projects
Elisa Barbour
Barbour, Handy, Sciara. “Sustainable Communities Strategies Evaluation Process Update,” California Air Resources Board, 2024-2025.
Barbour, Sciara, Volker, Appleyard. “Regional and State-led Strategies to Improve Local Implementation of Sustainable Communities Strategies,” California Air Resources Board, 2023-2025.
Barbour, Volker. “The Role of Level of Service in Post-SB 743 California,” California Department of Transportation through the National Center for Sustainable Transportation, 2023-2024.
Millard-Ball, Volker, Barbour, Handy. “Re-allocating Space to Support Multimodal Transportation,” California Resilient and Innovative Mobility Initiative, 2022–2024.
Fitch, Handy, Garcia Sanchez,Volker, Barbour, Pike, Barajas. “Policy Briefs: Effects of Transportation and Land Use Policies and Strategies on Vehicle Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions,” California Air Resources Board, 2022-2024
Appleyard, Barbour, Ewing. “White paper and tool development for quantifying potential indirect impacts of transit investment,” California Air Resources Board, 2022-2024
Barajas, Barbour, Center for Neighborhood Technology staff. “Impacts and Implications of California Housing and Transportation Costs, California Air Resources Board, 2023-2025
Barbour. “Understanding the Influence of Local Option Sales Tax Measures on SB 375,” National Center for Sustainable Transportation/Caltrans, 2021-2022. Report link
Barbour. “From LOS to VMT: Repurposing Impact Fee Programs Since Adoption of SB 743,” National Center for Sustainable Transportation/Caltrans. 2020-2021. Report link
Barbour, Handy. “Case Studies on Local Finance and Planning Mechanisms for TOD, Transit, and Active Transport,” National Center for Sustainable Transportation/Caltrans, 2020-2021. Report link
Barbour, Handy. “Local Finance and Planning Mechanisms for TOD, Transit, and Active Transport,” National Center for Sustainable Transportation/Caltrans, 2018-2019. Report link.
Caroline Rodier
Dillon Fitch-Polse
VMT strategies (CARB)
Accessibility Tool (CARB)