old davis protected lane

Unpublished Articles

Unpublished and preprint drafts of research.

Unpublished Content

Date Title Author(s) Source
ongoing UC Davis Campus Travel Survey
2024 Exploring the Integration of Induced Travel into Analyses of Costs, Benefits, and Air Pollutant Emissions Volker, Barajas, Handy California Department of Transportation
ongoing Statewide parking policy reform Lee, Manville, Shoup, Millard-Ball
2024-2025 Sustainable Communities Strategies Evaluation Process Update Barbour, Handy, Sciara California Air Resources Board
2023-2025 Impacts and Implications of California Housing and Transportation Costs Barajas, Rosenbaum, Barbour, Center for Neighborhood Technology California Air Resources Board
2023 Transportation and Neighborhood Priorities of Californians With Disabilities: Focus Group Findings Flynn, Justin, Giovanni Circella, Prashanth S. Venkataram Transportation Research Record
2023-2025 Regional and State-led Strategies to Improve Local Implementation of Sustainable Communities Strategies Barbour, Sciara, Volker, Appleyard California Air Resources Board
2023-2024 Investigation of the Abilities and Limitations of Travel Demand Modeling in Informing Decision-Making Handy, Rodier California Department of Transportation
2023 Challenges Facing People with Disabilities in Private Vehicular Transportation in the United States of America Venkataram, Prashanth S., Justin Flynn, Giovanni Circella, Daniel Sperling Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-23-13
2023-2024 Induced Travel Effects from Other Projects Volker, Handy California Department of Transportation
2023 Challenges Faced by People with Disabilities in Public and Active Transportation Systems in the United States of America Venkataram, Prashanth S., Justin Flynn, Giovanni Circella, Daniel Sperling Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-23-14
2023-2024 The Role of Level of Service in Post-SB 743 California Barbour, Volker California Department of Transportation through the National Center for Sustainable Transportation
2023 Disability, Transportation, Activity Performance, and Neighborhood Features in California: Conducting a Focus Group and Designing a Survey Flynn, Justin, Giovanni Circella, Prashanth S. Venkataram Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-22-119
2023 The Policy and Politics of Highway Expansions Lee Dissertation
2023 Brief: People with Disabilities in California Want Density, Improved Streets and Buses to Help Pedestrians, Bus Riders, and Car Drivers Flynn, Justin, Giovanni Circella, Prashanth S. Venkataram Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Brief UCD-ITS-RR-23-16
2023-2024 Equity analysis of VMT mitigation projects Barajas, Volker, Handy Caltrans
2022-2023 Evaluating Transportation Equity Data Dashboards McGinnis, Barajas UC ITS
2022-2023 A comprehensive evaluation of transportation equity metrics Barajas UC ITS
2022-2023 CEQA Streamlining in Transit-rich Areas (Main) Volker, Pike, Marantz California Resilient and Innovative Mobility Initiative
2022-2024 Methods for Assessing the Effectiveness of Potential Vehicle-Miles-Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Measures Handy, Volker, Hosseinzade California Department of Transportation
2022-2024 Re-allocating Space to Support Multimodal Transportation Millard-Ball, Volker, Barbour, Handy California Resilient and Innovative Mobility Initiative
2022-2024 Policy Briefs: Effects of Transportation and Land Use Policies and Strategies on Vehicle Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Fitch, Handy, Garcia Sanchez, Volker, Barbour, Pike, Barajas California Air Resources Board
2022-2024 White paper and tool development for quantifying potential indirect impacts of transit investment Appleyard, Barbour, Ewing California Air Resources Board
2021-2023 Measuring, Analyzing and Identifying Small-Area VMT Reduction Handy, Lee California Air Resources Board
2021-2022 Understanding the Influence of Local Option Sales Tax Measures on SB 375 Barbour National Center for Sustainable Transportation/Caltrans
2021-2022 The Implications of Freeway Siting in California: An Equity, Geospatial, and Case Study Approach Handy, Barajas, Jain California Department of Transportation through the Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center
2021-2022 Induced Travel Calculator Improvements Volker, Handy California Department of Transportation through the National Center for Sustainable Transportation
2021-2023 Community Transportation Needs Assessments Evaluation UC Berkeley Othering and Belonging Institute, Barajas, Rosenbaum California Air Resources Board
2021-2022 Mobility Justice in Rural California Barajas, Wang National Center for Sustainable Transportation
2020-2021 From LOS to VMT: Repurposing Impact Fee Programs Since Adoption of SB 743 Barbour National Center for Sustainable Transportation/Caltrans
2020-2021 Case Studies on Local Finance and Planning Mechanisms for TOD, Transit, and Active Transport Barbour, Handy National Center for Sustainable Transportation/Caltrans
2020-2022 Monitoring VMT Reduction Claims in Local Development Review Volker, Hosseinzade, Handy California Department of Transportation through the National Center for Sustainable Transportation
2018-2019 Local Finance and Planning Mechanisms for TOD, Transit, and Active Transport Barbour, Handy National Center for Sustainable Transportation/Caltrans