Unpublished and preprint drafts of research.
Unpublished Articles
Unpublished Content
Date | Title | Author(s) | Source |
ongoing | UC Davis Campus Travel Survey | ||
2024 | Exploring the Integration of Induced Travel into Analyses of Costs, Benefits, and Air Pollutant Emissions | Volker, Barajas, Handy | California Department of Transportation |
ongoing | Statewide parking policy reform | Lee, Manville, Shoup, Millard-Ball | |
2024-2025 | Sustainable Communities Strategies Evaluation Process Update | Barbour, Handy, Sciara | California Air Resources Board |
2023-2025 | Impacts and Implications of California Housing and Transportation Costs | Barajas, Rosenbaum, Barbour, Center for Neighborhood Technology | California Air Resources Board |
2023 | Transportation and Neighborhood Priorities of Californians With Disabilities: Focus Group Findings | Flynn, Justin, Giovanni Circella, Prashanth S. Venkataram | Transportation Research Record |
2023-2025 | Regional and State-led Strategies to Improve Local Implementation of Sustainable Communities Strategies | Barbour, Sciara, Volker, Appleyard | California Air Resources Board |
2023-2024 | Investigation of the Abilities and Limitations of Travel Demand Modeling in Informing Decision-Making | Handy, Rodier | California Department of Transportation |
2023 | Challenges Facing People with Disabilities in Private Vehicular Transportation in the United States of America | Venkataram, Prashanth S., Justin Flynn, Giovanni Circella, Daniel Sperling | Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-23-13 |
2023-2024 | Induced Travel Effects from Other Projects | Volker, Handy | California Department of Transportation |
2023 | Challenges Faced by People with Disabilities in Public and Active Transportation Systems in the United States of America | Venkataram, Prashanth S., Justin Flynn, Giovanni Circella, Daniel Sperling | Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-23-14 |
2023-2024 | The Role of Level of Service in Post-SB 743 California | Barbour, Volker | California Department of Transportation through the National Center for Sustainable Transportation |
2023 | Disability, Transportation, Activity Performance, and Neighborhood Features in California: Conducting a Focus Group and Designing a Survey | Flynn, Justin, Giovanni Circella, Prashanth S. Venkataram | Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-22-119 |
2023 | The Policy and Politics of Highway Expansions | Lee | Dissertation |
2023 | Brief: People with Disabilities in California Want Density, Improved Streets and Buses to Help Pedestrians, Bus Riders, and Car Drivers | Flynn, Justin, Giovanni Circella, Prashanth S. Venkataram | Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Brief UCD-ITS-RR-23-16 |
2023-2024 | Equity analysis of VMT mitigation projects | Barajas, Volker, Handy | Caltrans |
2022-2023 | Evaluating Transportation Equity Data Dashboards | McGinnis, Barajas | UC ITS |
2022-2023 | A comprehensive evaluation of transportation equity metrics | Barajas | UC ITS |
2022-2023 | CEQA Streamlining in Transit-rich Areas (Main) | Volker, Pike, Marantz | California Resilient and Innovative Mobility Initiative |
2022-2024 | Methods for Assessing the Effectiveness of Potential Vehicle-Miles-Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Measures | Handy, Volker, Hosseinzade | California Department of Transportation |
2022-2024 | Re-allocating Space to Support Multimodal Transportation | Millard-Ball, Volker, Barbour, Handy | California Resilient and Innovative Mobility Initiative |
2022-2024 | Policy Briefs: Effects of Transportation and Land Use Policies and Strategies on Vehicle Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Fitch, Handy, Garcia Sanchez, Volker, Barbour, Pike, Barajas | California Air Resources Board |
2022-2024 | White paper and tool development for quantifying potential indirect impacts of transit investment | Appleyard, Barbour, Ewing | California Air Resources Board |
2021-2023 | Measuring, Analyzing and Identifying Small-Area VMT Reduction | Handy, Lee | California Air Resources Board |
2021-2022 | Understanding the Influence of Local Option Sales Tax Measures on SB 375 | Barbour | National Center for Sustainable Transportation/Caltrans |
2021-2022 | The Implications of Freeway Siting in California: An Equity, Geospatial, and Case Study Approach | Handy, Barajas, Jain | California Department of Transportation through the Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center |
2021-2022 | Induced Travel Calculator Improvements | Volker, Handy | California Department of Transportation through the National Center for Sustainable Transportation |
2021-2023 | Community Transportation Needs Assessments Evaluation | UC Berkeley Othering and Belonging Institute, Barajas, Rosenbaum | California Air Resources Board |
2021-2022 | Mobility Justice in Rural California | Barajas, Wang | National Center for Sustainable Transportation |
2020-2021 | From LOS to VMT: Repurposing Impact Fee Programs Since Adoption of SB 743 | Barbour | National Center for Sustainable Transportation/Caltrans |
2020-2021 | Case Studies on Local Finance and Planning Mechanisms for TOD, Transit, and Active Transport | Barbour, Handy | National Center for Sustainable Transportation/Caltrans |
2020-2022 | Monitoring VMT Reduction Claims in Local Development Review | Volker, Hosseinzade, Handy | California Department of Transportation through the National Center for Sustainable Transportation |
2018-2019 | Local Finance and Planning Mechanisms for TOD, Transit, and Active Transport | Barbour, Handy | National Center for Sustainable Transportation/Caltrans |